Sunday, March 14, 2010

A message for everyone

Poor Jesus. He had a message to share, but some wouldn't listen.

Today's gospel puts us in company with tax collectors and sinners (some of Jesus' favorite people) but also in the midst of the power mongers of the day. Pharisees and scribes were among the wealthy of the day. Some if not a good portion of them made their wealth by (shall we say) dishonest means, and were rather resentful of any who would dare to call them to task. As it was, they also had amassed quite considerable social status and many were afraid to speak out against them, but that's exactly what Jesus came to do: to challenge the status quo and to call us to a new-found liberation.

Jesus still has a message to share. His call is for us to recognize injustice and to do something about it. His call is for us to identify those in our midst who are cast off by society, and to take steps to help them recognize that they too have a privileged place in the kingdom. His call often challenges us, stretches our horizons and tugs at us until we give up the fight for autonomy, choosing rather to follow his promptings, to live as witnesses and disciples, and doing what we can to challenge our friends, relatives and others who see us up close or far away to listen to his message.

This message speaks of love. This message speaks of forgiveness. This message speaks of the dignity that we all have and to which we are called. When all is said and done, we can be our own worst enemies if we choose to focus on the little things rather than on the big picture. Dare to believe that this message is for you, for me, for everyone. Dare to believe that Jesus wants us all to follow him and to be examples of love and forgiveness for others.

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