Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Laying the foundations

What do we do when we identify a problem that has the potential to be truly devastating? Answer: we call in the troups.

In this case, the 'troups' were members of various organizations in the community, invited to a brainstorming session today in an effort to begin the process of developing a drug strategy for the city. Drugs are a real challenge because they have the potential to do great harm to our children, to adults, to relationships, to all parts of society, if we don't keep them in check.

The challenge is to keep as many people involved in the process right from the beginning and to establish creative strategies which allow us all to be part of the solution; to do otherwise is to admit that we are falling prey to something we cannot control.

It was absolutely wonderful to see members of various police forces combining their talents with various health professionals, teachers, and even some of the local clergy in a united effort to do something constructive to address this challenge. We are still far away from the solution, but this first step has been a momentous one, and it should be lauded even as we continue to blaze a trail that will no doubt show this community to be deeply concerned about our citizens, their well-being and our overall health.

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