Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blessings while you sleep

There's one of the psalms that speaks about the fact that the Lord gives blessings while we sleep.

Have you ever noticed how at least some of us spend countless hours trying to live life in a fashion that is pleasing to others, God included.  At the end of the day, we may indeed reflect on the reasons for gratitude, but sometimes we find ourselves stymied because we can only think of the experiences we have been conscious about, the things we have done (or not done).

What about the things we have no awareness about at all?  What about the moments when we are deep in sleep (assuming that we can sleep)?  Is it possible (answer yes) that God is watching over us? ... that the angels are standing guard? ... that good things are happening even while we slumber?  Perhaps parents who have stood watch over a sleeping child could speak more eloquently about the joy that is theirs when they look on the face of their sleeping little one, and tell of the grace that is that moment.  Maybe, just maybe these too are moments for which we can be thankful.

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