Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The word's out

I received a surprise visit yesterday afternoon, from a student at the local University.  She's finishing her final year of the Bacheloriate in Communications and has to work on her thesis.  She explained that in order to gather the data for her final work, she needed to interview some of the local (clergy I think) and to determine how we are using communication tools in our work.  We agreed to meet this afternoon, and she departed.

Just after lunch today, she was back to conduct the interview.  After just a few moments of initial nerves, we settled into an exchange of reflections and ideas.  Questions included (among others):
  • How are you using new technology (internet, podcasting, blogging etc)?
  • How have you used mass media (print media, other traditional communication tools)?
  • Has your use of new technology been effective?
  • Is the use of new technology essential to your work?
There were lots of other questions, and the interview actually went on for the better part of an hour.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, and what conclusions will be drawn: useful reflections for communications students and those of us in the field alike.

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