Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What to wear

Could you survive with just five pieces of clothing for a month?  Someone tried, and succeeded.

On this morning's episode of Canada AM, during one of the final segments, an interview with one lady who wanted to see if she could do it.  She chose five pieces of clothing (not including underwear, pajamas and swimsuits) and managed to live for thirty days wearing only these plus accessories.

Lessons learned included:
  • We only wear a very limited amount of our wardrobes, so identify the things you wear and then share the wealth of other things with friends or give them away;
  • Be selective about how we spend money.  For some, it's almost automatic that we shell out money for 'things' and then what happens to them?
  • Textiles can be durable but there's a reason why we don't wear them over and over (unless we have to).  Less can be more.
And the list goes on.

I wonder what other such lessons we could learn if we took the challenge.

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