Friday, March 15, 2013

The pastoral side

During his audience with Cardinals this morning in the Sala Clementina of the Apostolic Palace, His Holiness, Francis informed his brothers that one of their number had been hospitalized on Wednesday of this week after having suffered a heart attack, but they think that his condition is stable and he has sent us his greetings, His Holiness told the Cardinals.

Like His Holiness, His Eminence, Jorge Maria Mejia was born in Buenos Aires.  Ordained a priest for the Diocese of Buenos Aires on September 22, 1945, he spent many years in service to the Holy See, holding various offices in the Vatican.  Ordained a Bishop on April 12, 1986, he was subsequently created Cardinal on February 21, 2001 by His Holiness, John Paul II.  Cardinal Mejia is currently 90 years old.

This afternoon, following the completion of the Audience with the Cardinals, His Holiness visited Cardinal Mejia at the Pius XI Hospital in Rome.

Vatican Radio reported this afternoon that the Holy Father, Francis asked the staff at the hospital to pray for Cardinal Mejia.  He also thanked them for their work with the sick and those who suffer.

Sister Clotilde, a Religious of the Order of Saint Joseph of Verona (Spain), was with the Holy Father during his visit with Cardinal Mejia.  She said that the Pontiff stopped to bless the sick.  He also prayed with the community of nuns.  When the staff of the hospital learned that the Pope was present, they went to meet him, and he blessed them. 

Sister Clotilde described their meeting as simple but very moving.  His Holiness also blessed and spoke with the sick in the Intensive Care Unit.  The Pope is a very simple person who does not make one feel distant, she said.  In fact, one feels the need to embrace him.

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