Saturday, March 16, 2013

The week to come

Lest we think for a moment that the coming week might afford some rest or relaxation for the newly minted Holy Father, the Vatican Press Office released this morning the schedule of events for the coming week:

Tomorrow morning, March 17, the liturgical Feastday of Saint Patrick, the Holy Father will celebrate Mass in the parish church of Sant'Anna in the Vatican, and then will address the faithful from the window of the papal apartment (which he hasn't yet moved into) for the traditional recitation of the Angelus.

On Monday afternoon, March 18, the Holy Father will meet the President of the Republic of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in the Domus Sactae Martae at 12:50pm.  Details are not stated clearly, but it wouldn't surprise anyone if the two were to share lunch together.

On Tuesday monring, March 19: the liturgical Solemnity of Saint Joseph, the Mass inaugurating the Petrine Ministry of His Holiness, Francis will be celebrated in Saint Peter's Square.  The metal detectors (through which every one of the persons present in Saint Peter's Square must pass will be open on that day at 6:30am.

At the conclusion of the Mass, the Holy Father will leave his vestments in the Chapel of the Pieta, before continuing to the Altar of the Confession where he will greet the Heads of the various official delegations in attendance.

Lunch will follow in the Domus Sanctae Martae.

On Wednesday morning, March 20, the Holy Father will meet with Delegations of Fraternal organizations in the Sala Clementina (the same room where he met the Cardinals yesterday) beginning at 11:00am Rome time.

On Friday morning, March 22 at 11:00am local time, the Holy Father will greet members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See.  This meeting will take place in the Sala Regia of the Apostolic Palace.

On Saturday, March 23, the Holy Father will leave Vatican City and travel by helecopter to Castel Gandolfo where he will meet with his predecessor, His Holiness, Benedict XVI, Pope emeritus at 12:15pm.  They will share lunch together and no doubt a few moments of fraternity.  When the meeting with the Pontiff emeritus is complete, Pope Francis will return to Vatican City.

On Sunday, March 24, the Holy Father will preside at the Palm Sunday Mass which will take place in Saint Peter's Square beginning at 9:30am.  At noon on that day (or at the conclusion of the Mass) he will recite the Angelus and deliver greetings to pilgrims from various parts of the world.

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