Thursday, January 1, 2015

Greetings to Brazil

The Holy Father, Pope Francis sent a video message to the Brazilian people at the beginning of this new year which marks the 450th anniversary of the foundation of the city of Rio de Janeiro.  The video message was broadcast shortly before midnight on video screens which had been set up along Copacabana beach.

Video message of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to the Brazilian people

Dear Brazilian people,

It is with great joy that I speak with you - on the vigil of the New Year which marks the beginning of the celebrations of the 450th anniversary of the creation of the City of San Sebastiano di Rio de Janeiro - to greet on such a joyous occasion, the beloved people who welcomed me with open arms on the occasion of the World Youth Day in 2013, and to illuminate for the first time, the statue of Christ of Corcovado with the new lights - like Blessed Pope Paul VI did fifty years ago - symbolizing the light that the Lord sheds on our lives.

Four hundred and fifty years marks a venerable history: the history of a courageous and joyous people who never allowed themselves to be overcome by difficulties, following the example of their holy protector, the Roman martyr Sebastian, who after being hit by arrows and presumed to be dead, did not cease to bear witness to Christ before his contemporaries; the history of a city which since its inception has been characterized by faith.  Dear carioca people: believe in God and He will help you; he will keep your paths straight and you can hope in Him.  You who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy (Sir 2:6)!

Today, if we could look out from the prospective of Christ the Redeemer which from the heights of Cordovado dominates the geography of the city, what images would leap at us?  Without a doubt, the first thing we would see is the natural beauty that justifies the nickname of this marvelous city; however it is undeniable that from the height of Corcovado, at the same time, we would also see the contradictions that mar this beauty.  On one hand, it is a contrast which is created by extreme social disparity: opulence and misery, injustice, violence ... and on the other hand, we have what we might call the invisible cities, groups or human territories which possess particular cultural traits.  Sometimes it seems that there are several cities, whose coexistence is not always easy but rather a multicultural and complex reality.  Faced with this reality, do not lose hope!  God is living in this city!  God is living in this city! Jesus, the Redeemer never turns his back on the needs and the sufferings of those who are here, living on earth!  His open arms invite us to overcome these divisions and to build a city united in solidarity, in justice and in peace.

And what is the path that should be followed?  We cannot simply remain with open arms; we need to open our arms, like Christ the Redeemer is doing.  In this way, the journey toward constructive dialogue can begin.  For in the midst of selfish indifference and violent protests, there is always another option: for dialogue.  Dialogue between various generations, dialogue between peoples, for we are all people (Speech to the leaders of Brazil, July 27, 2013).  In this sense, it is good to recognize the fact that regardless of the level of education or wealth, every person has something to contribute to the construction of a more just and fraternal civilization.  Concretely, I believe that all people can learn a great deal from the example of generosity and solidarity exemplified by more simple people, from the generous wisdom of knowing how to stretch the water in the beans (which in Italian corresponds to thinning the broth), a practice which our world needs so much.

Dear friends, I am certain that the marvelous city has much to offer to Brazil and to the world.  Therefore, in illuminating the lights on Corcovado, I make my own the words pronounced by Blessed Paul VI on January 1, 1965: may this light, illuminating the city of Rio di Janeiro, spread throughout the whole of Brazil (Paul VI, Teachings, III).

Therefore, placing at the feet of Our Lady of Aparecida these wishes, and thanking Cardinal Orani Tempesta for the opportunity afforded me to share this message with you, I express my congratulations to all carioca people and to all Brazilian people for this anniversary feast, even as I ask you all, please, to continue praying for me.  With a wish for a Happy New Year 2015, to each and every one of you I send my Apostolic Blessing.  Thank you.

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