Monday, June 1, 2009

Come aside

I have been invited to live the next few days in company with many of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, and with some of the priests of this diocese, as we embark on an annual journey of discovery.

For some years now, I have understood retreat to be a time of coming aside: that is getting away from the regular routines of daily life, and making some much-needed room for quiet reflection, for prayer and for re-energizing the spirit that dwells within.

In the words of a very wise woman I once had the great fortune to cross paths with, retreat is a time for touching down: for reconnecting the ear of our hearts with the One who tries so desperately at times to speak to us, to guide us and to call us to discover and appreciate what it means to live life to the full.

As I arrived in this place today, I couldn't help wondering what kind of welcome would await. Truth be told, it's been quite a few years since I stepped foot in this building, and some of my experiences have admittedly been less than savory, so it was with some trepidation that I approached the front doors of the building. Even as I walked through the doors, I could tell that this was not the same place it was so many years ago: the welcome I was afforded today was extremely warm, and everyone I met, residents and visitors alike, was exhuberant and joyful.

This is the first time in the history of this diocese that the Sisters of Saint Joseph and the diocesan priests are living our retreat together. This invitation, extended by the Sisters, is truly a gesture of trust and love. It was the Sisters who discovered Father Anthony Gittins, C.S. Sp. , and invited him to come to North Bay to preach this retreat. It was the Sisters who extended an invitation to the priests to join them for this week, and therefore I find myself here, the recipient of a wonderful gift.

The week that lies ahead holds the promise of gifts yet to come. I can't wait to see what they will be, and to touch base with the One who bestows them.

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