Thursday, October 13, 2011

Déjà vu

Only yesterday, the students from a neighbouring high school descended the hill and joined us here for the celebration of the Eucharist.  This morning, it was my turn to climb the stairs and to greet them up close.

As they entered the doors of the school, some appeared to still be sleeping, while others were hastily headed for any myriad of locales: the volleyball court, their lockers, the music room, their favorite hangout.  I couldn't help wondering how many of them actually noticed me, and how many of them were perhaps wondering who I was.  Perhaps there were some who chose to turn the other way, although none would readily admit such an afront.

As the last of them entered, the bell signalling the beginning of another day sounded, and I was ushered into the place from where I would be invited to pray the opening prayer, part of the exercises common to that scholastic environ.  This of couse was followed by a series of announcements, and then the academic day could begin.

I spent some time chatting with a few of the staff members, and then ventured into the wing where the Grade 7-8 classes were to be found.  Most of these students I had not met (until today), and whle some greeted me with words that portrayed existing relationships of varying levels, there were many whose blank stares told yet another story.  In the weeks and months to come, there will be other occasions though for me to come to know more of them, and for them to come to know me better.

The adventure should be quite interesting.

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