Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A matter of perspective

I went for a walk this afternoon in the neighbourhood.  The object of this foray was to feed some of the hungry (literally).  What happened was that I myself was fed with laughter and a new appreciation for the essentials in life.

Having delivered the food, I spent a few moments chatting with friends.  In the midst of the conversation, another person arrived and suggested that we should have a look out the window.  The exact words were send the fashion police.  It took some time to locate the person in question, more because he had moved away from the original location than for any other reason.  When we finally located him, we each advanced our own opinions about his fashion choices.

Admittedly this was a bit shallow of us, but then again, it didn't take too much time to discover that perhaps one of the deepest people in that location, one of the people who is most looked up to, and one of the people who could care least about what others think of his fashion sense, was dressed almost identically to our new-found friend.

I guess we were the ones who needed the lesson today.  Good thing we were able to eat humble pie, and laugh at ourselves.

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