Thursday, April 17, 2014

In all her finery

Here is the text of the homily I prepared for the funeral which was celebrated today.  Just hours before the beginning of the Pascal triduum, I reflected on the words of promise spoken by Jesus to his disciples: do not let your hearts be troubled.

Funeral homily for Muriel Dulude

We began this liturgy today with a reminder that on the day of her baptism, Muriel was welcomed into the Church, given new life in Christ and clothed with a garment of salvation.  This lady, who some of us knew as our mother, our mother-in-law, our grandmother or our friend, was and still is a cherished child of God, and for this reason, we are here in this church today to remember and to celebrate.

We gather to remember the day when she was first welcomed into the Church, the day when her journey of faith began.  Saint Paul wrote to the early Christian community at Rome, reminding them that the spirit they received was not the spirit of slaves, but the spirit of children, and that this spirit that we all receive on the day of our baptism makes us cry out to God: Abba! Father!  Muriel was first taught about this relationship with God, our daddy, thanks to her own parents, and to other people of faith who were part of her childhood, and she in turn taught her own children about Jesus, and about the relationship of love that he cultivates and nourishes with each of his beloved children.

A few days ago, I spoke briefly with Muriel’s daughters.  They told me a bit about their mother, about the fact that many years ago, they feared that they might lose her, but that she surprised everyone and outlived physical challenges for quite some time.  I dare say that she understood Paul’s words of advice: what we suffer in this life can never be compared to the glory … which is waiting for us.  Now, finally reunited with the love of her life, Muriel and Guy are smiling down upon us from their place in heaven.

On the day of our baptism, each of us is given new life in Christ, and we spend the rest of our mortal lives coming to understand what this new life is all about.  From what I’ve heard, Muriel was well aware of the signs of this divine life which were present in her life.  She cherished her relationship with Guy, and she loved each of her children and her grandchildren very much.  Only a soul who has discovered the love of God is able to love with such fervour in return.  In her latter years, she endeared herself to the staff and residents at Marina Point here in the city, so much so that they all wanted to bid her farewell when it became evident that her time here on earth was coming to an end.  From our vantage point here on earth, it appears that this woman who was so much a part of our lives has now left us, and it is completely understandable that our hearts are broken at this moment of parting, but we too have been given new life in Christ, and because of this, we believe that one day our God will destroy death forever, that he will wipe away the tears from every cheek, and unite us once again with those we have loved when we meet him, the one who has always loved us with perfect love.

Today is Holy Thursday.  In just a few hours’ time, we will begin the liturgies of the Easter Triduum.  The events that we commemorate in these days are at the heart of our lives in Christ.  He is the one who has clothed us with a garment of salvation since the day when our faith lives began at the baptismal font, and it is because we have been clothed in this way that we can believe the words he spoke to his disciples only hours before he experienced his own passion and death: do not let your hearts be troubled. When we have to say goodbye to someone we love, we can often find ourselves responding to these words with the question that was voiced by Thomas: But Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?  What Jesus was asking his disciples to do then is the same that he is asking all of us to do today.  He asks the same of all of us who will remember and celebrate his passion, death and resurrection in the coming days: Trust in God still, and trust in me.  Even from heaven, God is still at work, preparing a place for each of us in the Father’s house.  When our place is ready, he will come from heaven to take us there.  In the meanwhile, each of us must pray for the gift of trust, and we must endeavour each day to be people of trust, showing the world the joy that is in our hearts, for one day we will see Muriel again, clothed in fine array.  Until that day, she prays for us, and we too must pray for one another as we make our way toward the joys of the kingdom which is our promised inheritance.

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