Sunday, April 2, 2017

Angelus in Carpi

At the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration in Piazza Martiri in Carpi, before reciting the Marian prayer known as the Angelus, the Holy Father expressed his closeness to the inhabitants of the city of Mocoa (Columbia), which has been devastated by a mudslide which has claimed many victims.

The Pope then issued a call for peace in the Region of Kasai, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and finally called for prayers for the difficult situations now being experienced in Venezuela and in Paraguay.

At the conclusion of the Angelus, the cornerstones of the future parish church of Saint Agatha in Carpi, the House of Spiritual Excercises in Novi, the Citadel of Charity in Carpi and the San Martino Corona multi-purpose facility which will be built in Mirandola were presented to the Holy Father so that he could bless them.

Calls for prayer issued by the Holy Father, Pope Francis
before the recitation of the Angelus

I am profoundly saddened by the tragedy that has struck Columbia, where a giant mudslide caused by torrential rains has struck the city of Mocoa, leaving many people dead and wounded.  I am praying for the victims and assure them of my and your closeness to all those who are mourning the death of loved ones, and I thank all those who are working to provide assistance in any way.

Reports of bloody armed clashes in the region of Kasai in the Democratic Republic of Congo continue to arrive - clashes that are causing death and displacement to many and which also involve people and property belonging to the Church: churches, hospitals, schools.  I assure my closeness to this nation and I call upon everyone to pray for peace, that the hearts of those who are the architects of these crimes do not remain enslaved to hatred and violence, for hatred and violence always bring destruction.

In addition, I am following attentively the events that are unfolding in Venezuela and Paraguay.  I am praying for those people who are very dear to me, and I invite them all to persevere tirelessly, avoiding all violence as the search continues for political solutions.

Greetings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
prior to the recitation of the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters,

I wish to thank you all for having come here, to this Mass.  I want to thank all of you, all those who have worked on this double marathon: last Sunday (for the inauguration of the restored Cathedral) and this Sunday.  Thank you very much!  And I want to thank you, all the sick.  There are 4,500 sick persons here!  Thank you to all of you, who through your suffering, help the Church, help us to carry the Cross of Christ.  Thank you!  Thank you all!

And at the conclusion of this celebration, our thoughts turn to the Holy Virgin, who you venerate in the Cathedral church which is dedicated to her.  To Mary, we offer our joys, our sufferings, our hopes.  We ask her to focus her merciful gaze on all those among us who find ourselves in the midst of suffering, especially those who are sick, the poor and those who are deprived of dignified work.

Recalling the apostolic zeal of two lay figures of this land, Blessed Odoardo Focherini and Venerable Marianna Saltini, witnesses of Christ's charity, I gratefully greet all of you, faithful lay people.  I encourage you to be protagonists of the life of your community, in communion with your priests: always focus on what is essential in your proclamation and your witness to the gospel.

I thank you, dear bishop Francesco, and all of you, Bishops from the region of Emilia Romagna, for your presence, and above all the Pastor of this diocese, Your Excellency, Francesco Cavina: I encourage you to stay close to your priests with a listening heart, with tenderness and with heartfelt care for them.

Finally, I wish to thank each and every one of you, dear faithful, priests, religious men and women, the Authorities and in a special way all those who worked together to organize this visit, with a special thought for the AGESCI and the choir, composed of all the choirs of the diocese, who helped us during this liturgy.

Let us confide our lives and efforts of the Church and the world to Mary as we recite together the words of the Angelus.

At the conclusion of the Angelus, the Holy Father went to the Seminary in Carpi where, at 1:00pm he had lunch with the Bishops of the region, as well as elderly priests who are living at the Casa del Clero and the Seminarians.

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