Saturday, July 25, 2009

The appearance of truth

Many years ago now, I remember voicing a dillema to a confrere. It went something like this: At the time, I had convinced myself that I was an introvert (in some aspects, I still think that I am), and I found it very difficult to meet people. That might seem strange for someone in my profession, but I suppose I need to explain a bit.

It happens quite often that I may be cast into situations where total strangers bare their souls (either literally or figuratively) because there is an inherent trust that comes with the territory. The challenge for an introvert is that we seldom have time to even learn people's names before we find ourselves face to face with sometimes life-altering issues.

This is not easy for someone who finds it difficult to venture out of an established comfort zone and to risk walking in the midst of someone else's territory. However, the extension of this muse would find that same someone comfortably holed up at home, never venturing out into the big bad world, never risking the possibility of meeting new people, and effectively cutting him or herself off from the possibility of actually getting to know someone who may turn out to be a true friend, a confidant(e) or even a source of support.

Someone wise once encouraged me with the following words: 'The people who may seem scary to you right now, will quite possibly turn out to be the greatest support to you in times of trial, so as difficult as it may seem, try to move beyond yourself, and to allow others to know you, to love you and to help you become all you can be'.

I don't think I ever said thanks for those words, uttered so long ago.

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