Saturday, July 4, 2009

Celebrating 45

Today they're 45 - years married that is.

The day is still very young. People are beginning to stir and morning routines are showing signs of life. One of us is off for a run while others are sleepily sipping on caffine. Still others are still slumbering and perhaps dreaming of ... who knows what?

The day that lies ahead promises to be a busy one. We're expecting a whole lot of people to invade later on. Some of those who will join us were there on the day when the two guests of honour stood together to pronounce the vows that would unite them for the rest of their lives, others have joined the procession of life since.

Besides the bride and groom, the maid of honour who stood that day will be here to mark this occasion, and the flower girl ... along with others of their siblings, and of course the others who are part of the next generation, and the one after that.

On that day, just the other day, at this time of the morning, two people were getting ready for the nuptials which would be exchanged at 10:00 am. Were they nervous? Were they filled with wonder about what their lives would bring? Were they excited about the days, weeks, months and years that lay ahead? Could they have dreamed the possibilities that would unfold?

Today, we are here to celebrate their commitment and their faithfulness. Today we celebrate their successes and the fulfillment of their dreams, so far. We also look forward to a future yet unknown. Today, as on that first day of their lives together, we see the future as through a cloud, but we know that whatever comes, they will find a way to make their way through the struggles, to celebrate the successes, and to live life to the full, loving one another, and others tenderly, accepting the bumps and grinds that come along with the curves in the road, and trusting that all will be well.

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