Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes

Hello ... sank you for the gifts you sent.

With these words, a conversation began between me and a precious child this week. I've had such occasions to speak with her in the past, and have noticed that each time, her command of the language and her ability to understand how someone can speak to her through a telephone, even though they are not physically standing the same room, have grown by leaps and bounds.

Conversations that began as monosylabic and very simplified answers, now morph into multi-subject discussions about events that keep her enthrawled, to relationships between her and her immediate family and even about events at school (she's in SK at the moment).

Last year, during her very first year at Elementary school, she was enrolled at a French-language school where she learned (among other things) to recite the Lord's Prayer (in French of course). This year was a different case though as she was moved to an English-language school. When asked whether she had yet learned the Our Father in English, she replied positively, and then immediately began reciting it:

Our Farter who art in heaven ...

I can't wait to see what other inventions come from the innocence of this child, her sibling and other children like her. They are reminders for all of us that every moment should be cherished.

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