Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friends near and far

The tenth anniversary celebrations today for Sam were indeed a marvellous success. Among the invited guests, His Excellency, Noel Simard, Auxiliary Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie, who presided at the Mass, and a number of priests from parishes throughout the city.

During the Mass, the Bishop spoke eloquently about the value of priests in today's society, and payed particular attention to the fact that this anniversary is being observed during the Year for Priests, declared by the Holy Father last month. He encouraged people to pray for priests, who must strive always to be friends of Christ, so that they may know how to point the way to Him by their words and actions.

At the conclusion of the Mass, at the request of the guest of honour, there were a series of photographs taken: of the clergy present, of the parishioners from the two parishes where he is currently serving, of friends from other parishes who were in attendance, and of other invited guests.

During the meal that followed, some of the gathered guests asked questions about two other individuals who arrived only in time for the meal. They wanted to know if these were his brothers (ie blood brothers), since they were dressed in traditional Nigerian attire. The answer he gave: 'they are priests from my diocese of birth, and if it were not for them, I would not be here celebrating with you tonight.'

As souveniers of this celebration, each guest present (there were more than 200 in attendance for the meal, and even more who were present for the Mass but who could not stay for the party afterward) received a prayer card, and an admotion to 'pray for me, and know that I pray for you'.

Friends near and far will return to their respective places in the morning, but for now, we give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate the life and ministry of one who lives among us, who serves with a generous heart and who loves as the Master calls all shepherds to love.

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