Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ten years ... and counting

The date was July 11, 1999. The place was the Archdiocese of l'Aquila (Italy).

Samuel Ukeje, born in the diocese of Awka (Nigeria) was ordained a priest that day, for service in the Italian diocese, far from his homeland. Little did he dream on that day that he would find his way alomst half way around the world within ten years, but today he is serving as pastor of two parishes in the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie in Canada.

Like any major milestone, it is fitting that such an anniversary should be celebrated in a fitting manner. It is fitting then that Sam will celebrate with other brother priests today, celebrating a special Mass of Thanksgiving. In his own words, this is a time for giving thanks to God who has called him to serve in His name.

Sam didn't want any fuss made over this day, but the people who he is presently serving wouldn't hear of it. This is one little way that they can repay him for all the good that he does every day, and a gesture of love that they can express to him in return for the love and generosity with which he gives of himself in service to them.

For some, it's much easier to give than to receive, but it's right that we should give others a chance to celebrate milestones. Tonight, after the Mass of Thanksgiving, there will be a supper to celebrate Father Sam's ten years of service. Many will gather to pray with him, to celebrate with him and to thank God for the gift he is to the people he serves.

Padre Samuele. Grazie per la tua presenza fra di noi. Rendiamo grazie a Dio per tutti che fa di te e per tutti che avvremo ricevutto da Lui.

Ad moltos annos!

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