Monday, July 27, 2009

Entertaining and hospitality

Scarcely have the dishes been cleaned up from last night's welcoming dinner, and already, preparations are well underway for the next social gathering.

Today is the one-year anniversary since a very dear friend was born in heaven, and therefore it is fitting that since I was not able to be present with his family last year, I should spend some time with them today. Later this morning, we will gather to pray for him, and to join with him at the table of the Lord.

The words of today's scripture passages are quite fitting for this encounter. The exerpt from the book of Exodus speaks of another time when divine words were shared with human beings, through the intermediary of a chosen one. Today, we come to seek comfort and peace, to celebrate the life of one who we have known and loved, and who we entrust to the mercy of the One who has welcomed him to take his place in the Father's house.

During his many decades of life here on earth, he enjoyed nothing more than a good game of hockey, or a party surrounded by family and friends. It's only fitting then that we should have a simple gathering after the Eucharistic celebration, to feed our bodies and to share stories of our dearest friend.

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