Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Having fun

I wasn't going to stop. In fact, I was going to just return home after doing sme other errands, but in the end I turned around and found myself at the local HomeSense store.

I entered with a short list of three items I was looking for. When I'm shopping, I usually do one of two things: I go in with a list, and I come out with the items corresponding to that list; or (and this seems to be happening more often these days), I go in with a list, come out with (most of) the items on that list, and a whole lot of other things that seem to magically have found their way into my shopping cart. To be sure, I try my best not to let this happen too often, but every now and then, it helps to have some fun while doing the stuff I have to do.

To make a long story short, I managed to get everything I started out looking for ... plus a bunch of other stuff that I had no idea I was even looking for, but that looks absolutely wonderful in the space that's been recently renovated.

Sometimes the moments we remember most, enjoy the most, and even the ones that mark our lives occur totally out of the blue. These are the moments that should be cherished.

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