Sunday, July 19, 2009

The little ones

There are rituals all around us, things that we sometimes pay great attention to, and some details that just seem to escape us altogether. There are people we meet every day, every week, and yet we couldn't tell you their names, and then there are those who touch our hearts and leave imprints so indelible that we can't change them, nor for that matter would we want to.

There are some who I meet every week, whose greetings speak of joy and contentment. There are others who say nothing, but always extend a hand in friendship. There are some who walk by and wave, and there are always the children.

One child cannot pass me by without offering a hug, while another will always call out a greeting (no matter where we are, and who'se around). There are some children who I've known from the day of their birth and others who I meet only fleetingly when they come for visits. There are some who seem to have developing voices from the moment of their first discontented cry, and there are others who make me wonder at times about whether they can speak.

Every one of these, children of various ages and myriad experiences is a wonder in the eyes of God. Every one of them has a story to tell; all they seek is a listener with ears willing to absorb the adventure. Sure there's a need for discipline at times, for laying down the rules and insisting on obedience; consistency is the best teacher in that realm, but when all is said and done, we should never fail to give thanks for the gift of children (and others) who teach us to be wise, discerning beings.

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