Friday, July 17, 2009

My other job

If ever I needed another job, some have said that I should open a restaurant. At the very least, I could open a bakery (if I could ever learn not to have to test everything that came out of the oven).

Today, I found myself with some time to have fun, and like one of the television chefs who is much more famous than I, that meant that I was in a kitchen, surrounded with ingredients that screamed to be baked.

The result: a loaf of Beer Bread and a bakers dozen of raisin scones.

Every day is an adventure when you know a bit about how ingredients combine, and even moreso when you're courageous enough to play a bit, to allow the ingredients to teach you a bit of wisdom, and to combine some flavours that may not have first sprung to mind.

As Michael Smith has more than once been heard uttering, 'My favorite recipe ... cooking ... without a recipe.'

Be thankful for talents, and use them for the pure pleasure of seeing what happens when a bit of creativity combines with a whole bunch of raw materials: some call it art.

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