Saturday, July 11, 2009


There are some moments in life that just seem to catch us off guard, unexpected, even though we may know that they're coming.

For some time now, there has been talk about the fact that the Bishop of Charlottetown had tendered his resignation, even though he had not reached the canonical age of retirement (see Canon 401, 2). Recently interviewed by media, His Excellency, Vernon Fougere denied any plan to retire, but this morning, the Holy Father accepted his resignation and appointed a new bishop for Charlottetown in the person of His Excellency, Richard Grecco, until now auxiliary bishop of Toronto.

Among his other duties, Bishop Grecco has also been acting as one of the liaison bishops who work closely with the National Federation of Presbyteral Councils, a group made up of priests from across the country, who work toward promoting the health of life and minstry of priests in this country.

Bishop Grecco's presence, his enthusiasm and his wisdom have been gifts to all those with whom he works, and will be missed, however, we give thanks for all he has shared with us, for all that he has been with us and for all that has been accomplished through his ministry.

May his time of transition be enriched with many blessings, and may the people he is now called to serve continue to sustain him with their love and support.

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