Friday, July 3, 2009


We've waited long enough it would seem, but finally the weather seems to be showing at least some signs of summer. That is of course if you can make allowances for a very cool, windy spring that had us wearing jackets and other manner of cover until the early part of June, and the rain and cloud cover that seems to dominate these days. In truth we have only had a few days of truly warm weather, but then again the power grid might be saved the stress of air conditioners and other summer comforts that could normally prove to be taxing at this time of year.

Other summertime rituals seem to be settling in during these past few days. Now that the elementary school classes are out for their annual two-month hiatus, it's time for enjoying backyards, BBQs and visiting leisurely with friends.

Whether it's sitting in the park, watching children at play in the waters of the neighbouring lake, or sipping on a favorite beverage, these are the days to be enjoyed, for they can disappear just as quickly as they have arrived this year, leaving in their wake the cold and chill of winter yet to come.

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