Sunday, May 5, 2019

Bulgaria and North Macedonia: En route

This morning, aboard the aircraft that took him to Bulgaria, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he usually does, took some time to greet the journalists who are accompanying him on this papal voyage.

Introduced by the interim Director of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, the Pope offered the journalists a few words.

Press Conference with the Holy Father, Pope Francis
aboard the flight to Sofia

Alexxandro Gisotti
Good morning.  Welcome, Holy Father, and thank you for having come here for this greeting, even though this is a short flight, we know that this is important.

This is the fourth International Apostolic voyage this year: four continents, Holy Father, America, Asia, Africa and now Europe.

We welcome our colleagues, especially those from Bulgaria and North Macedonia who are here.  On this voyage - as you also explained this in your video messages - You feel inspired and accompanied by Saint John XXIII and by Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Before I give you the microphone, Holy Father, I also wish to tell you that today we have here one of our colleagues, Aura Miguel, who is making her 100th Apostolic voyage.  One Hundred!  There she is, from Radio Renascença.

Prima di darLe la parola, Santo Padre, volevo anche dirLe che oggi abbiamo qui una collega, Aura Miguel, che è arrivata al 100° viaggio apostolico. 100! Eccola qua, di Radio Renascença.

Pope Francis
She is Portuguese!

Alessandro Gisotti
She is Portuguese.  Please, Holy Father.

Pope Francis
Good morning, and thank you very much for your company, for your work.  This will be a brief trip, just three days, but the organizers have packed a lot in, take advantage of this.  Thank you for your work and for your company.

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