Here is the text of the homily I prepared for the celebrations of the Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Today, I reflected on the experience of the disciples as Jesus told them that he would send the Advocate.
In the next few weeks, students in our elementary and secondary schools will be completing the current academic year. As they look forward to the year ahead, many of them may grow anxious at this time of the year. In addition to examinations and tests, many of them will be changing classrooms, encountering new teachers and perhaps even moving from one school to another. Any such change in the routine that has been established is bound to bring with it a certain sense of anxiety.
Jesus knew that as the hour approached when he would have to be separated from his disciples, they too would grow anxious. In order to encourage them, he assured them that they would not have to face the future alone: ... the Advocate, the Holy Spirit ... will teach you ... and remind you of all that I have said to you (Jn 14:26). A number of days after the Resurrection, this promise was fulfilled when the Holy Spirit was sent to strengthen the disciples. Renewed in their conviction, they then set out with renewed courage to carry out the mission of teaching others about Jesus, about the words he had spoken and about the lessons he had taught.
We have been reading about the adventures of the disciples throughout the Easter season. They travelled widely, reaching places that they had never visited before. From this distance in time, I have often thought that they were constantly enthusiastic and eager to tell others about Jesus, but their enthusiasm was not necessarily received well in all cases. There were also others who joined in the effort to spread the good news, but sometimes, even despite their good will, there were problems, and these challenges needed to be addressed. We have heard the details of one such instance in today's first reading: Certain individuals came ... from Judea and were teaching, 'Unless you ... follow the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved' (Acts 15:1). When the appointed leaders heard about these teachings, they knew that they needed help in order to clarify the matter, so Paul and Barnabas, ... were appointed to go to Jerusalem to discuss the question with the Apostles ... (Acts 15:2).
When they arrived in Jerusalem, Paul and Barnabas discussed the situation with the apostles. They shared their own words of advice and they prayed for guidance, relying as always on the presence of the Holy Spirit for guidance, and the result was that the disciples sent Paul and Barnabas back, along with Judas and Silas in order to help the believers of Gentile origin in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia (Acts 15:23) to grow in their faith.
Since that time ... and even to the present day ... the leaders of our Church continue to send priests to various communities of believers, including this one, so that the work of spreading the gospel can continue. Day after day, we must keep before us the vision described in today's second reading (cf Rev 21:10-23) and we must find ways to strengthen the faith of those we meet. When all is said and done, it is the Holy Spirit - the Advocate - who continues to inspire us and to remind us of all that Jesus has taught us.
Continuing education
In the next few weeks, students in our elementary and secondary schools will be completing the current academic year. As they look forward to the year ahead, many of them may grow anxious at this time of the year. In addition to examinations and tests, many of them will be changing classrooms, encountering new teachers and perhaps even moving from one school to another. Any such change in the routine that has been established is bound to bring with it a certain sense of anxiety.
Jesus knew that as the hour approached when he would have to be separated from his disciples, they too would grow anxious. In order to encourage them, he assured them that they would not have to face the future alone: ... the Advocate, the Holy Spirit ... will teach you ... and remind you of all that I have said to you (Jn 14:26). A number of days after the Resurrection, this promise was fulfilled when the Holy Spirit was sent to strengthen the disciples. Renewed in their conviction, they then set out with renewed courage to carry out the mission of teaching others about Jesus, about the words he had spoken and about the lessons he had taught.
We have been reading about the adventures of the disciples throughout the Easter season. They travelled widely, reaching places that they had never visited before. From this distance in time, I have often thought that they were constantly enthusiastic and eager to tell others about Jesus, but their enthusiasm was not necessarily received well in all cases. There were also others who joined in the effort to spread the good news, but sometimes, even despite their good will, there were problems, and these challenges needed to be addressed. We have heard the details of one such instance in today's first reading: Certain individuals came ... from Judea and were teaching, 'Unless you ... follow the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved' (Acts 15:1). When the appointed leaders heard about these teachings, they knew that they needed help in order to clarify the matter, so Paul and Barnabas, ... were appointed to go to Jerusalem to discuss the question with the Apostles ... (Acts 15:2).
When they arrived in Jerusalem, Paul and Barnabas discussed the situation with the apostles. They shared their own words of advice and they prayed for guidance, relying as always on the presence of the Holy Spirit for guidance, and the result was that the disciples sent Paul and Barnabas back, along with Judas and Silas in order to help the believers of Gentile origin in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia (Acts 15:23) to grow in their faith.
Since that time ... and even to the present day ... the leaders of our Church continue to send priests to various communities of believers, including this one, so that the work of spreading the gospel can continue. Day after day, we must keep before us the vision described in today's second reading (cf Rev 21:10-23) and we must find ways to strengthen the faith of those we meet. When all is said and done, it is the Holy Spirit - the Advocate - who continues to inspire us and to remind us of all that Jesus has taught us.
Formation continue
Au cours des prochaines semaines, les élèves de nos écoles primaires et secondaires termineront l’année scolaire qui est actuellement en cours. En prévision de l’année à venir, beaucoup d’entre eux risquent de devenir angoissés en cette période de l’année. En plus des examens et des vérifications, beaucoup d’entre eux changeront de salle de classe, rencontreront de nouveaux enseignants et peut-être iront même d’une école à l’autre. Un tel changement dans la routine établie va inévitablement créer une certaine anxiété.
Jésus savait que, à l'approche de l'heure où il devrait être séparé de ses disciples, eux aussi deviendraient inquiets. Afin de les encourager, il les assura qu'ils n'auraient pas à affronter l'avenir seul: ... le Défenseur, l'Esprit Saint ... vous enseignera tout ... ce que je vous ai dit (Jn 14,26). Un certain nombre de jours après la résurrection, cette promesse a été accomplie lorsque l’Esprit Saint a été envoyé pour renforcer les disciples. Renaissant dans leurs convictions, ils se sont ensuite mis en route avec un courage renouvelé pour mener à bien la mission d'enseigner à d'autres personnes à propos de Jésus, les paroles qu'il avait dites et les leçons qu'il avait données.
Nous avons lu des articles sur les aventures des disciples tout au long du temps de Pâques. Ils ont beaucoup voyagé, atteignant des endroits qu'ils n'avaient jamais visités auparavant. De cette distance dans le temps, j'ai souvent pensé qu'ils étaient constamment enthousiastes et désireux de parler de Jésus aux autres, mais leur enthousiasme n'a pas nécessairement été bien accueilli dans tous les cas. D'autres personnes ont également pris part à l'effort de diffusion de la bonne nouvelle, mais parfois, même en dépit de leur bonne volonté, il y avait des problèmes et ces problèmes devaient être résolus. Nous avons entendu les détails d'un cas de ce genre dans la première lecture d'aujourd'hui: Certains individus sont venus de Judée et enseignaient: «Si vous n'acceptez pas la circoncision selon la coutume qui vient de Moïse, vous ne pouvez pas être sauvés» (Actes 15,1). Lorsque les dirigeants nommés ont entendu parler de ces enseignements, ils ont compris qu'ils avaient besoin d'aide pour clarifier la situation. Paul et Barnabé ont donc été nommés pour monter à Jérusalem auprès des Apôtres ... pour discuter de cette question (Actes 15,2).
À leur arrivée à Jérusalem, Paul et Barnabé ont discuté de la situation avec les apôtres et les anciens. Ils ont partagé leurs propres conseils et ils ont prié pour être guidés, en s'appuyant comme toujours sur la présence de l'Esprit Saint, et le résultat a été que les disciples ont renvoyé Paul et Barnabé, ainsi que Jude et Silas afin d'aider les croyants, issus des nations, qui résident à Antioche, en Syrie et en Cilicie (Actes 15,23) à grandir dans la foi.
Depuis ce temps ... et même jusqu'à aujourd'hui ... les dirigeants de notre Église continuent d'envoyer des prêtres dans diverses communautés de croyants, y compris celle-ci, afin que le travail de diffusion de l'Évangile puisse continuer. Jour après jour, nous devons garder devant nous la vision décrite dans la deuxième lecture tirée de l'Apocalypse de Saint Jean (cf Ap 21,10-23) et trouver des moyens de renforcer la foi de ceux que nous rencontrons. En fin de compte, c'est l'Esprit Saint - le Défenseur - qui continue de nous inspirer et de nous rappeler tout ce que Jésus nous a enseigné.
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