Thursday, May 14, 2020

Pope Francis' Mass for 14 May 2020

At 7:00am local time this morning (1:00am EDT), the Holy Father, Pope Francis celebrated Mass inside the chapel at the Casa Santa Marta.

Greetings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
prior to the celebration of the Mass

Today, the High Committee for Human Fraternity has asked us to observe a Day of prayer and fasting, to ask God for mercy in this tragic moment of pandemic.  We are all brothers.  Saint Francis of Assisi used to say: All brothers.  And for this reason, men and women of every religious confession are united in prayer and penance today, asking for the grace of healing from this pandemic.

Homily of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
during the Mass celebrated on 14 May 2020

In the first reading we heard the story of Jonah, in the style of the time (cf Jonah 3: 1-10). Since there was some pandemic, we do not know, in the city of Nineveh, a moral pandemic perhaps, the city was just about to be destroyed (cf Jonah 3: 4). And God sent Jonah to preach: prayer and penance, prayer and fasting (cf Jonah 3: 7-8). Faced with that pandemic, at first Jonah was frightened and ran away (cf Jonah 1: 3). Then the Lord called him for the second time and he agreed to go and preach (cf Jonah 3: 1-3). And today all of us, brothers and sisters of all religious traditions, are praying: a day of prayer and fasting, of penance, called by the High Committee for Human Brotherhood. Each of us is praying, communities are praying, religious confessions are praying, praying to God: all brothers, united in the brotherhood that unites us in this moment of pain and tragedy.

We had no prior knowledge of this pandemic, it came without us expecting it, but now it is here. And many people are dying. Many people are dying alone and many people are dying without being able to do anything. Many times the thought can come: I don't care, thank God I saved myself. But think of others! Think about the tragedy and also about the economic consequences, the consequences for education, the consequences ..., what will happen next.

And for this reason, today, everyone, brothers and sisters, of any religious confession, must pray to God. Perhaps there will be someone who will say: This is religious relativism and it cannot be done. But how can we not pray to the Father of all? Everyone prays in the way he knows, how he can, as he has received from his own culture. We are not praying against each other, this religious tradition against this, no! We are all united as human beings, as brothers, praying to God, according to our own culture, according to our own tradition, according to our own beliefs, but together, brothers are praying to God, this is the important thing! Brothers, fasting, asking God for forgiveness for our sins, for the Lord to have mercy on us, for the Lord to forgive us, for the Lord to stop this pandemic. Today is a day of brotherhood, looking to the only Father: brothers and fatherhood. A day of prayer.

Last year, in November of last year, we did not know what a pandemic was: it came like a flood, it came suddenly. Now we are waking up a bit. But there are many other pandemics that cause people to die and we do not notice them, we look elsewhere. We are a little unconscious in the face of the tragedies that are happening in the world right now. I would just like to tell you some official statistics from the first four months of this year, which does not speak of the coronavirus pandemic; they speak of another reality. In the first four months of this year, 3 million 700 thousand people died of hunger. There is the hunger pandemic. In four months, almost 4 million people. This prayer today, to ask that the Lord stop this pandemic, must also make us think of the other pandemics in the world. There are many of them! The pandemic of wars, hunger and many others. But the important thing is that today - together and thanks to the courage that this High Committee for Human Fraternity has had - together, we have been invited to pray each one according to his own tradition and to observe a day of penance, fasting and also of charity, of help to others. This is the important thing. In the book of Jonah we heard that the Lord, when he saw how the people had reacted - that they had converted -, the Lord stopped, stopped what He wanted to do.

May God bring an end to this tragedy, stop this pandemic. May God have mercy on us and stop even the other ugly pandemics: that of hunger, that of war, that of children without education. And we ask this as brothers, all together. May God bless us all and have mercy on us.

Prayer to make a spiritual communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I love you above all things and I desire you in my soul. Since I cannot receive You sacramentally now, at least spiritually come to my heart. As you have already come, I embrace you and I join myself to you. Do not let me ever be separated from you.  Amen.

A Tes pieds, ô mon Jésus, je me prosterne et je T'offre le repentir de mon cœur contrit qui demeure dans son néant et en Ta sainte présence. Je t'adore dans le Sacrement de Ton amour, l'ineffable Eucharistie. Je désire te recevoir dans la pauvre demeure que mon cœur t'offre. Dans l'attente du bonheur de la communion sacramentelle, je veux te posséder en esprit. Viens à moi, ô mon Jésus, que je vienne à Toi. Que Ton amour enflamme tout mon être, pour la vie et pour la mort. Je crois en toi, j'espère en toi, je t'aime. Ainsi soit-il.

Ai tuoi piedi, o mio Gesù, mi prostro e ti offro il pentimento del mio cuore contrito che si abissa nel suo nulla e nella tua santa presenza. Ti adoro nel sacramento del Tuo amore, l’Eucaristia. Desidero riceverti nella povera dimora che ti offre il mio cuore; in attesa della felicità della comunione sacramentale voglio possederti in spirito. Vieni a me, o mio Gesù, che io vengo da Te. Possa il tuo amore infiammare tutto il mio essere per la vita e per la morte. Credo in Te, spero in Te, ti amo. Cosi sia.
Testo originale nella lingua italiana
Texto en español
Texto em português
Text in Deutsch

At the conclusion of the Mass, the Holy Father said:

Today, I want to thank Mister Thomas, the sound technician who is working here today on the transmission.  He has accompanied us in this transmission, he has been working in the Dicastery for Communications and he is retiring: today is his last day of work.  May the Lord bless him and accompany him in this new phase of his life.

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